
Saturday, June 20, 2015

Rolling with The Rolling Stones

On Wednesday afternoon, I was just hanging out with (new nashville resident!) Emily at her parents house in Franklin when someone mentioned The Rolling Stones were playing that night in our GroupMe. I was annoyed because I wanted to go but had not been organized enough to get tickets. As the GroupMe continued to blow up, I was even more annoyed to find out that almost all of our friends were going to the show, so Camille and I briefly tossed the idea around of scalping them. Camille called me to discuss just as I left Emily's a little before 6. The problem was, she had a 6 o'clock hair appointment, and I was 30 minutes from home, in workout clothes, and we were both unshowered. The show was downtown at 8. We debated on the phone, debated when we got home, and I kept saying, "I just feel like we can go down there and get free tickets…" to which Camille responded, "You are the only person in the world that just thinks stuff like that is gonna happen for you!" Well, thinking it pays off, because a few hours later we found ourselves jamming out just a few feet from Mick Jagger and had paid exactly zero dollars to get there!

And let me tell you, at the ripe age of 71, Mick Jagger has still got amazing dance moves.

It really was hilarious the way this night played out, because I was pushing so hard that we go downtown and try, but when we got there Camille stepped up her game and sweet talked an old man into giving us a $397 floor ticket for free. And by sweet talked, I mean saw his OKC hat and used her extremely limited basketball knowledge to act like we were huge OKC fans (#lebronsucks). After we had one, we were on cloud nine and knew we had to get another. We bumped into our friend Jordan, who introduced us to her friend and the friend's mom, who not only gave us a free ticket, but also two bottles of Fireball whiskey!

We were beyond pumped at this point, but in my persuasion of Camille to go downtown, I said that we could just see our friends and eat burgers at Acme if we couldn't get tickets, so we decided to still indulge in those burgers (and skip the opener, Brad Paisley). We also needed time to devise a plan of how we were going to enjoy this show together, since our two seats were very far apart. 

Acme was delicious, as always. We ordered cokes and poured in some Fireball, while passing it around to all of our friends we saw on The Walking Bridge, new friends we met at Acme, etc. As you can imagine, we were high on life and really not in need of any alcoholic beverages. 

Our game plan was to use both tickets to get into the arena, then Camille would go down to the floor and stealth pass the ticket back to me, and then I would go down to the floor too and we'd find an aisle to stand in somewhere. Well, they Xed the ticket when Camille went down. Luckily, the Xed the bottom so we ripped it, passed it back, got the top Xed and we were both in. We sweet talked the bouncers at the next ticket check, made it to our seat, which just so happened to be next to the old man who had gifted us the ticket. And luckily I am so tall (and Camille has been making tall jokes for the entirety of our 15 year friendship…) so we stacked doubly at our seat and could both see and enjoy the wonderful, classic music of The Rolling Stones. 

Cheers to this old man who made it all possible!


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